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Syeda Khatun Janat Syeda Fatima Al-Zahra, peace be upon her 3rd Ramadan , 3rd Ramadan Syeda Fatima Al-Zahra, (may God be pleased with her),  day of death

3rd Ramadan is the day of death of Syeda Khatun Janat Syeda Fatima Al-Zahra,  (may God be pleased with her)

Noor, daughter of Noor, husband of Noor, Umm Noor and Noor
The slave of the Absolute Light, may Allah bless him
(Imam-ul-Kalam Imam Ahmad Reza Khan Muhaddith Barili)

In this poetry, the word “Noor” is used seven times. This poem is in honor of the Lady of Paradise, Syeda Khatun Janat Syeda Fatima Al-Zahra, (may God be pleased with her).

For the first time, it means Syeda Khatun Janat Syeda Fatima Al-Zahra, (may God be pleased with her)

[3rd Ramadan Syeda Fatima Al-Zahra, (may God be pleased with her),  day of death]

The second term refers to the caste of the Holy Prophet MUHAMMAD محمد صلي الله عليه وسلم peace be upon him

The third time refers to Hazrat Ali, (may God be pleased with her)

The fourth and fifth times refer to Hazrat Imam Hassan and Hussain (may God be pleased with them)

The sixth time means the light of GOD Almighty

The word light for the seventh time means light, faith, light, radiance, etc.

May Allah [GOD] Almighty grant us the radiance of the light of faith and grant us the light of faith.
3rd Ramadan Syeda Fatima Al-Zahra, (may God be pleased with her),  day of death

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